Buying E Green
I just wrote about buying green, and then today found this great post on TreeHugger. It's so in line with what I'm into that I don't need to paraphrase or reword; I'll just copy: "Working from the idea that electronics are both ubiquitous and helpful in our everyday lives, they don't want you to quit using them (and certainly don't want you to just throw them away); myGreenElectronics hopes to help you learn more about minimizing the environmental impact of these gadgets and toys through responsible use, reuse and recycling. They've also added a fourth "R" to the common Reduce, Reuse, Recycle mantra that gets bandied about these pages: Rethink, and we think that's a biggie. By considering the environment before you ever go shopping, and then finding electronics and accessories that use less energy, are made with recyclable and recycled materials and are easier to upgrade, fix and recycle, you make it easier on yourself, your energy bill, your conscience and your planet."
I love the 4th R: Rethink. In fact, it should be the 1st R.
For more e-recycling ideas and information, including where to take your used electronics, go to the EPA Plug-In to eCycling pages.
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