Wednesday, January 24, 2007

State of the Union

Well, he was better than his usual speaking self last night. As usual, the address was full of hope and great ideas and new spending with no way to pay for it. Apparenlty I don't know enough about the current budget status because he spoke about how he cut the deficit in half. I thought it was balanced when he inherited it. Hmm ... maybe I was dozing off.
His environmental/energy content was pretty disappointing relative to what it was built up to be. I think he spent about 5 minutes on it. So his plan is to cut gasoline (note - not oil) usage by 20% in 10 years. I thnk it will be really easy to accomplish based on all the current and almost-here technologies. At a large corporation I used to work for, we used to have all sorts of goals, and the hardest part was always determining how to set a goal that appeared hard to achieve, but that you knew you could meet (since bonuses were paid on them). I think Bush set an easy goal last night that we shouldn't have any trouble meeting. We're talking 10 years here!
Gasoline only. In this post, I noted how Sweden pledged to elmininate fossil fuels in 13 years.
Also notice GW had nothing but a general reference to global warming.
What a joke we are.


pogeblogger said...

Mr. Treehugger,
You are right. Has this administration ever been serious about the environment?

Anonymous said...

What struck me was the President's incapacity to rise above platitudes about energy, etc. His speech writers apparently do not even know the language. Things you and I take for granted are not considered. Okay, it's tricky since he must still appeal to his base.
All that's there is slogans.