Sunday, January 14, 2007

Mission Accomplished

I covered Mission Organic 2010 here, and described the mission to purchase 10% organic products by 2010. Well, my wife whipped that goal yesterday: of the 82 items purchased on her weekly Meijer grocery trip, 25 were organic for an astounding 30%!

Two of those items were organic cotton clothes, which grabbed her attention with the large "organic" sign above them, and they were on sale. It's a brand called I.W.I., which I can't for the life of me find any reference to online. The label says cut and sewn in Taiwan, and finished in China.

If she had gone to "Fresh Market" or "Whole Foods" or "Trader Joe's", you might not even be able to get under 50% organic, but we're talking Meijer in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

The bill? A lot! There's no doubt we paid more for many of the organic items vs. their normal competitors. And I can't say that we'll get 30% every time from now on, as this trip was in preparation for my bday, when I will be treated to all-organic breakfast and dinner - including ice cream pie!

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